With strangely, no one at corporate control assessing yet, "Hey! Wouldn' t it be the Iraqi people who would most benefit for being contracted in the cost benefit analysis?", and, "Okay, so where didn'tĪmerican tax paid for lawless destruction of our Iraqi public infrastructur e occure?" Why is CNN not defending Our Mr. Charading for US they are, preparing to sacrifice more Americans without a thought to Your cost. has decided not to do good for Iraq by opening our floor to offers the world over, but instead has decided to go with top secret banned bushmob embezzlers to risk more American soldiers by lying to their surviving siblings. It has been reported bush doesn't want to be accountable to the American tax payer regarding the pilfering of America's Social Security, like he wasn't to follow the criminal leads of 9/11 perpetrato rs, and too, surprise suprise, the allocation of public funds for his secret planned, not public bidded for best price on every Iraqi Peoples contract, (you know, the repaying for bush's needless war tolls waged against your world as innocent victim), payed for by the American tax payer getting further swindled with the pretension, that robbing from humanity, does not include themselves represented politically. And fo r wha t? All for o ur fail ure to communicate concern about falling further as dying bushite victims. Is not what you too perceive of our world?, a reflection of your own conclusion? If we believe we are of life when perceiving an injustice, are we not moved to do something in favor of our remedy? To challenge bush's contempt for ourselves as the Public, is to demand nothing less than known facts to conclude our guilty verdicts, as otherwise, bush would be prosecuting US innocent as God is US included, thank you self. For bush is an irrational murder er of innocent good Americans as soldiers alike, a psychopathic depiction to his true evil self as US played intolerantly ignorant, while he bares false witness against our eternal family of all being humanity.
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For me, I got some real troubles scrounging my next meal as nature's King and Lord of all creation, but for you, this should be something of a dream almost, eh? Wor shiping bush in a delusional cult like, TV trance without any thought to care about our actual criminal behavior, is not a good philosophy to practice as a living world body, i do believe. org/userme dia/audio/4/us-vs-them.m p3 on.indymedia.o rg/uploads/2 007/01/us-vs-them.mp3 /u sermedia/audio/4/us-vs-t hem.mp3 rg/uploads/2 007/01/killing_christians.mp3 rg/uploads/2 007/01/killing_christians.mp3 - The Resurrection What are you then, some kinda Jesus freak? You are standing in defense for your own rights as you see ourselves. on.indymedia.o rg/uploads/2 007/01/the_king_of_the_jews.m p3 rg/usermedia/a udio/4/us-vs-them.mp3 media.or g/usermedia/audio/4/us -vs-them.mp3 indymedia.or g/usermedia/audio/4/u s-vs-them.mp3. Select Court Docs re FBI/State Target of Aaron James: Monia Mazigh and Aaron James discuss racial profiling abuses - CBC Identical Document Exploit (later version) containing my* name agent Harry Held, who dealt us assassination threats against further disclosure, citing allegiance Harper and state (caught on tape* in our forensics) The author - Johnny America, is a COINTEL accomplice of local CSIS op. CIA torture rendition victim Maher Arar's name appears in this COINTEL Bushites entrapment doc on pp 29 and 51.My name (Aaron James) appears in later* versions of this same document that were created after my contact with Arar family in months prior my kidnap by police and FBI.